The hilarious Animation studio Aardman has announced several new licensing deals for two of its most famous brands, Wallace & Gromit, and the spinoff Shaun the Sheep. The Wallace & Gromit series of short stop-action animation practically reinvented the genre, and brought the mild-mannered gadget freak Wallace and his much smarter dog Gromit to international fame. Shaun … [Read more...] about Aardman Announces Hilarious New License Deals
Food and Beverages
Budweiser Says It’s About Time For Some Beer-Flavored Popcorn!
THE UK’S BEST-TASTING POPCORN BRAND TEAMS UP WITH THE KING OF BEERS The UK's Princes of Popcorn have teamed up with the King of Beers to come out with a Budweiser flavored popcorn, in a deal brokered by IMG. The new product comes from Joe & Seph's, a family business that has grown over the past decade to become one of the UK's leading purveyors of snacks, but … [Read more...] about Budweiser Says It’s About Time For Some Beer-Flavored Popcorn!
Warner Launches Space Jam Licensing Onslaught
More than 200 licensing partners launching 'Looney' collections around the world Warner Bros. Consumer Products is rolling out the largest collection of Looney Tunes merchandise in decades ahead of debut of Space Jam: A New Legacy. The mixed animation and live action flick stars basketball star LeBron James playing alongside proven hoop ball talents Bugs Bunny, Lola … [Read more...] about Warner Launches Space Jam Licensing Onslaught
Allrecipes Cooks Up Deal With Snapchat
Allrecipes, the world’s largest recipe brand, took an innovative step to increase its already massive user base by launching a new feature as the exclusive food category partner of the Scan feature within Snapchat. The new offering allows home cooks to access Allrecipes recipes based on ingredients captured by the Snapchat camera function. Available later this year, this new … [Read more...] about Allrecipes Cooks Up Deal With Snapchat
Yumi Tags Collaborations For Baby Food Licensing Opportunities
Collaborations Licensing announced this week its new partnership with Yumi, one of the most innovative baby and kids food delivery services currently in the market, as they expand their offering into new food and snack categories in 2021. Collaborations says Yumi is now the fastest growing baby food brand, and currently feeds more than 2 per cent of all babies in the United … [Read more...] about Yumi Tags Collaborations For Baby Food Licensing Opportunities
NERDS Sponsors Rube Goldberg Machine Contest … For Nerds
RUBE GOLDBERG MACHINE CONTEST WINNERS ANNOUNCED IN 2021 VIRTUAL CHALLENGE There's something endlessly fascinating about Rube Goldberg machines, those insane chain-reaction contraptions that accomplish simple tasks in hilariously over-complicated ways, using everyday objects. While not an official Olympic sport, the Rube Goldberg Machine Challenge is like an Olympic sport for … [Read more...] about NERDS Sponsors Rube Goldberg Machine Contest … For Nerds
Cool Partnership For Swizzels Ice Lollies
The British sweet manufacturer Swizzels has continued its partnership with licensing specialists Brand of Brothers to extend the Swizzels ice lolly range, launching new Drumstick Squashies Bubblegum and Parma Violets flavors. Launching just in time for summer, fans of the hugely popular Drumstick Squashies Bubblegum sweets and the iconic Parma Violets can now enjoy their … [Read more...] about Cool Partnership For Swizzels Ice Lollies
Dole Says Aloha With New Licensing Agent Beanstalk
THE DOLE FOOD COMPANY PARTNERS WITH BEANSTALK TO EXTEND BRAND INTO NEW PRODUCT OFFERINGS The Dole Food Company is partnering with global brand extension licensing agency, Beanstalk, to extend its iconic brand into food categories that further empower consumers to experience healthy living through association with the DOLE brand. Most famous as the world's largest producer of … [Read more...] about Dole Says Aloha With New Licensing Agent Beanstalk
Hershey’s Expands Licensing For S’Mores
The Hershey Company and Brand Activation Consulting (BAC) today announced the expansion of its line of officially licensed Hershey’s S’Mores accessories with Mr. Bar-B-Q and new partner, International Wholesalers. The extensive line of Hershey’s S’Mores products that features popular backyard barbeque accessories, like carrying cases, wooden and light up skewers, will now … [Read more...] about Hershey’s Expands Licensing For S’Mores
JELL-O® Gelatin Kit Featuring Iconic Easter Egg Mold Now At Walmart
If you grew up in the late 1990s and early 2000s, you might remember the craze for JELL-O Easter Egg Molds that put smiles on faces in more than 30 million households. Now, that product is back, thanks to a licensing partnership between Bay Island LLC and the Kraft Heinz Company, which owns the JELL-O brand. “We are grateful to be able to bring back this fun family tradition,” … [Read more...] about JELL-O® Gelatin Kit Featuring Iconic Easter Egg Mold Now At Walmart