By Allison WatkinsonTLL ReporterOmens Studios is expanding its Leo the Wildlife Ranger gaming app with new modules based on the 3D animated adventure series.“Leo the Wildlife Ranger has become a much-loved property with audiences all over the world, who are connecting with the characters in a range of different ways—including through broadcasting, the games app and our … [Read more...] about Omens Studios Announces New Content For Its Leo the Wildlife Ranger Gaming App
Video Games
SEGA and Wildbrain Secure Some ‘Super Sonic’ Licensees
By Allison Watkinson TLL Reporter WildBrain CPLG and SEGA of America have secured multiple new licensing partnerships for the Sonic Prime Netflix series. Sonic Prime is an animated adventure series that follows Sonic the Hedgehog as he journeys through a warped multiverse to restore his original reality. The Sonic Prime series is jointly produced, distributed, and … [Read more...] about SEGA and Wildbrain Secure Some ‘Super Sonic’ Licensees
Jufu Partners With Ascendent Studios and EA On Music For Immortals of Aveum Game
By Allison WatkinsonTLL ReporterElectronic Arts and Ascendant Studios have teamed up with Jufu on new music for the Immortals of Aveum launch trailer. Jufu (Julian Jeanmarie) is a rapper, musician and social media content creator who initially grew to fame on TikTok before releasing several hit singles and a debut musical album. The Immortals of Aveum launch trailer features … [Read more...] about Jufu Partners With Ascendent Studios and EA On Music For Immortals of Aveum Game
San Diego Comic-Con Goes to Sea With Themed Ocean Cruise
By Allison Watkinson TLL Reporter San Diego Comic Convention has partnered with Entertainment Cruise Productions to launch a licensed experiential event called Comic-Con: The Cruise. Entertainment Cruise Productions is a cruise agency that has produced more than seventy-five full-ship charters for an extensive range of genres and brands. The agency's services include … [Read more...] about San Diego Comic-Con Goes to Sea With Themed Ocean Cruise
Rovio and SCG Open World’s First Angry Birds Cafe
By Allison Watkinson TLL Reporter SCG America has partnered with Rovio Entertainment to launch an Angry Birds-themed retail café in the recently-opened Tangram development. The Tangram complex where the Angry Birds café is located was created as a joint development project between SCG America and F&T Group. Designed as a mixed-use destination, Tangram includes … [Read more...] about Rovio and SCG Open World’s First Angry Birds Cafe
Sony Pictures Consumer Products Announces Licensees Ahead Of Licensing Expo
By Allison WatkinsonTLL ReporterSony Pictures Consumer Products has announced an extensive lineup of licensees alongside new film and television launches in time for this year's Licensing Expo. “Licensing Expo comes at a defining moment in our trajectory," said Sony Pictures Entertainment EVP, Jamie Stevens. "With many of our properties enjoying renewed television seasons and … [Read more...] about Sony Pictures Consumer Products Announces Licensees Ahead Of Licensing Expo
Wildbrain and SEGA Land Some Super Sonic Licensees
By Allison Watkinson TLL Reporter WildBrain CPLG and SEGA have secured multiple global licensing partnerships for the Netflix series Sonic Prime, from the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. Co-produced by SEGA and WildBrain Ltd., Sonic Prime is a CG-animated series that premiered worldwide in December 2022. Sonic Prime was animated at WildBrain’s Vancouver studio, with … [Read more...] about Wildbrain and SEGA Land Some Super Sonic Licensees
Fans Flock to Falcon’s Beyond’s Virtual Theme Park on Roblox
By Allison Watkinson TLL Reporter Falcon’s Beyond says its BEYONDLAND metaverse experience on the Roblox platform has generated significant growth since its initial debut. According to Falcon's Beyond, the BEYONDLAND gaming experience has attracted more than two million visits since its official launch in March 2023. The company has also reported that the games' online … [Read more...] about Fans Flock to Falcon’s Beyond’s Virtual Theme Park on Roblox
Adonis Creed Coming to Fortnite in MGM Collaboration
By Allison Watkinson TLL Reporter Epic Games’ and MGM have partnered to bring limited-edition Creed III content to the Fortnite online game platform. MGM's Creed film franchise follows the boxing career of the fictional character Adonis Creed. The upcoming Creed III film is the third installment in the franchise and marks Michael B. Jordan’s directorial debut. “Creed … [Read more...] about Adonis Creed Coming to Fortnite in MGM Collaboration
Licensing Law: Apple Film To Portray Incredible Story of Tetris Founder
By Gary Symons TLL Editor in Chief There are a lot of action thrillers licensed in our industry ... but not many action thrillers about licensing. That's about to change, as Apple Original Film will debut the film Tetris on March 31, telling the story how a US entrepreneur won the rights from the Soviet Union. Tagged by the film's publicists as "The game you couldn’t put … [Read more...] about Licensing Law: Apple Film To Portray Incredible Story of Tetris Founder