The anime network Crunchyroll began airing "Mobile Suit Gundam," the original series within the iconic Gundam franchise, as one of its library of more than 1,000 Gundam titles, opening up more opportunities for licensees. The Crunchyroll consumer products team currently manages the international merchandise rights for five Gundam titles with North American licensees … [Read more...] about Licensing Monster “Mobile Suit Gundam” Airing on Crunchyroll
Traditional Toys/Games
Poetic Brands Creating Licensed Apparel and Face Masks for Na! Na! Na! Surprise
Following the enormous success of LOL Surprise and LOL Surprise OMG dolls from MGA Entertainment, Poetic Brands has snapped up a licensing deal with the toy giant for its latest collectible doll range, Na! Na! Na! Surprise. The specialist apparel licensee is working on a range of children’s apparel, outerwear and swimwear, nightwear and essentials based on the new property … [Read more...] about Poetic Brands Creating Licensed Apparel and Face Masks for Na! Na! Na! Surprise
Pokémon Celebrates 25 Years With Music Deal, Licensing Campaign
Katy Perry Headlines 'P25 Music', a Year of Surprise Music Events and Superstar Collaborations The Pokémon Company International officially launched its 25th anniversary celebration on Jan. 13, marking a quarter century of fun and games with a massive music collaboration, including a partnership with pop star Katy Perry. The Japanese video game and entertainment franchise … [Read more...] about Pokémon Celebrates 25 Years With Music Deal, Licensing Campaign
Spin Master Goes Full Throttle With Supercross Toy Line
Spin Master Corp. has partnered with Feld Entertainment to get its motor runnin' with a multiyear, global master toy license for the Supercross off-road motorcycle racing series. Created with Spin Master's innovative toy designs, the companies say the first wave of Supercross toys will deliver greater authenticity for kids, collectors and fans of the racing brand. Feld … [Read more...] about Spin Master Goes Full Throttle With Supercross Toy Line
JazWares Appoints Laura Zebersky as President
Toy Company Also Announces Promotions for Kelly Deen, Gerhard Runken, and Jonny Taylor Jazwares, one of the world's leading toy companies, this week announced the promotion of Laura Zebersky to the position of president. The company says Zebersky, a 15-year veteran of the toy industry, and a recipient of the Women in Toys 'Wonder Women' Award, "helped catapult Jazwares’ … [Read more...] about JazWares Appoints Laura Zebersky as President
Skoog Works With Sesame Workshop To Create A New Way To Play
SKOOG Inc., a media tech company with a mission to enrich children’s lives through creative and immersive play, this week announced a global partnership with Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit organization behind Sesame Street. The two companies are collaborating to introduce a new, interactive platform that merges tactile technology with an ever-expanding content library … [Read more...] about Skoog Works With Sesame Workshop To Create A New Way To Play
Peppa Pig Celebrates 10 Year Anniversary With New Content and Merch
Hasbro is going 'hog wild' on Peppa Pig in 2021, marking the show's 10th anniversary on Nick Jr. with a year-long pipeline of new content, a new Hasbro toy line coming in Fall, and a full roster of marketing activations, brand collaborations and promotions for fans across the US. The Peppa Pig franchise was part of a $4 billion investment for Hasbro, when the international toy … [Read more...] about Peppa Pig Celebrates 10 Year Anniversary With New Content and Merch
Licensing Legal Dispute Ended By Settlement
Two toy companies have peacefully resolved their licensing dispute after the parties recently obtained a ruling in court. The two companies have released a joint statement saying in part, "GennComm LLC (“GennComm”) and Beverly Hills Teddy Bear Company (“BHTB”) are pleased to announce that they have reached a mutually satisfactory resolution of long-pending intellectual … [Read more...] about Licensing Legal Dispute Ended By Settlement
Playmobil Launches Classic Volkswagens
German toymaker Playmobil has partnered with equally storied car manufacturer Volkswagen to bring out their own tiny car line for kids. First announced in September, the partnership has resulted in the release of a classic VW Beetle and the original VW Camper Bus, known in Germany as the 'Bulli', and unofficially by a generation of young American travelers as 'the hippie bus'. … [Read more...] about Playmobil Launches Classic Volkswagens
Weekly Wrap-up: Deals Penned for Ja Rule, Michael Crichton, Maya the Bee, Nintendo and CoComelon
Deal Will See New Content Produced From Michael Crichton Novels The late author Michael Crichton wasn't just a science fiction visionary; he became a one-man licensing powerhouse after novels like Jurassic Park and Westworld became hits in film and on television. More than 20 film and TV adaptations have been produced from Michael Crichton novels, including five Jurassic Park … [Read more...] about Weekly Wrap-up: Deals Penned for Ja Rule, Michael Crichton, Maya the Bee, Nintendo and CoComelon