2024 Licensing Agency Guide – 3rd Edition
The 2024 Licensing Agency Guide will be updated periodically in 2024. If you wish to include your licensing agency in the Guide, or you wish to advertise in the Guide, please contact Ingrid at 888-729-2315 Ext 305 or ingrid@thelicensingletter.com for more details.

How to Register Your Trademark
When you need to do a trademark search, you should read The Licensing Letter’s Guide to Searching and Registering Trademarks—you get all the details about how to do a trademark public search, and specifically how to do a trademark U.S. search, to protect your brand and avoid legal conflicts.

2021 Licensing Industry Survey Results
You’ll find out what went up and what went down with 14 charts and graphs that present the facts as Executive Editor Gary Symons tells the stories behind them. This comprehensive look at the licensing industry looks an in depth look at fashion, restaurants, sports, and movies which have all experienced dramatic change. But it’s not all bad news. You’ll find out where the opportunities are in a post-pandemic world and get a much clearer picture of where and how COVID left it’s mark.

Rise of the Virtual Influencer
“I read a story in Scientific American about the theory that all of humanity, and in fact, all of reality as we know it, exists within some sort of simulation—as if we are just bit characters in an insanely advanced videogame.
I scoffed at the idea, as my wife pointed out that anyone who thinks we live in a simulation has never tried to dig a hole in our annoyingly rocky backyard! The blisters are very, very real.”

Licensing in the Metaverse
You’ll find out why companies are already paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy digital real estate that exists only inside a computer simulation. In the words of TLL’s Executive Editor Gary Symons, “the ‘Metaverse’ may be a digital simulation but the money to be made is very real”. In fact, virtual Reality technology promises to become the most important licensing trend over the next decade. The development of virtual worlds will revolutionize how we work, what we sell, and how we market goods and services.

Why NFTs and Licensing Don’t Mix
Non Fungible Tokens are ‘non-fungible’, because one NFT is unique from another NFT. This idea has allowed cryptocurrency companies to come up with the idea of creating a unique, non-fungible token to establish a person’s ownership of something that, in itself, is easily copied and distributed. Find out why TLL’s Executive Editor Gary Symons has concerns about this controversial new way to monetize digital content.