The world of licensing is changing, and now so is The Licensing Letter, the industry’s first licensing publication.
General Manager Jim Pearmain announced the unveiling of a new website that will help support the company’s changing business model, which now includes advertising and new services for the licensing industry.

“Over the past year we have examined every aspect of our business, and we’re now making major changes in several areas that all come together in the new site,” said Pearmain. “We have many changes coming to help our Members grow their licensing business. Regular readers will already have seen our new Featured Banner Ads in the Deal Sheet, as well as the first of our banner ads and sponsored articles for clients.
“The new site is now much more mobile friendly, and designed to better support new ads, the Deal Sheet display, the Licensing Sourcebook, as well as newer services that will be launched in 2023.”
Some of those new services will come from new partnerships formed by TLL with major players in the licensing industry. Readers will see some of those services being announced in early 2023.
Pearmain says the new site will be the most obvious manifestation of the many changes going on behind the scenes at The Licensing Letter.

The timing of the website launch is not coincidental, as it comes just months before the launch of TLL’s new Editorial Calendar program under the guidance of editor Gary Symons.
“In the past, TLL was primarily a publication that dealt with the hard data of the licensing industry, analyzing everything from sales to royalty rates,” said Symons. “We still do that, but the mandate now is to provide deeper insights for our readers, and also better exposure for the many licensors, licensees, and service providers within our industry.
“For example, on our old site, we simply didn’t have the space on the front page to properly display all of the content we produce on a daily basis,” Symons explained. “The new site gives us the real estate to provide far better exposure to the content we produce, but also for the services, licenses and products from our various clients and sponsors.
“Our goal is to firmly establish The Licensing Letter as the world’s leading publication for the licensing industry, and the new site is one of the most important tools required to get that done.”